
As a club we compete in competitions throughout the UK in Individual, Synchronised and Double Mini Trampoline (DMT) categories.

Competitions are a super fun weekend with the club where EVERYONE is welcome. 

It doesn't matter if you have never competed before or have been doing it for years! Come join us and either go for gold, try something new or just for the nights out. 

Our motto is: If you fail, we just clap louder! All we care about is you giving it a go and having fun.

If comps really aren't for you, don't worry, they are not compulsory and you can still bounce with us and not compete.

NEUT League 

The Northern English Universities Trampolining (NEUT) League is an exciting student-led trampolining league for university students in the northern half of England, incorporating five competitions throughout the year.

NEUT comps are a fantastic way to meet new people and have a good time with a bit of trampolining thrown in there too. 

Competition dates 2023/24:


We also compete in competitions a little further afield. In which we compete to represent the whole of England - against Scotland (SSTO) and Ireland (ISTO). These are great competitions and a fun weekend trip away with the rest of your team! 

Locations and dates are TBC, but it is guaranteed to be an amazing weekend full of fun!


BUCS is one of our more 'serious' competitions of the year - however this doesn't mean it is not fun!

 BUCS has a more of a formal feel to the competition and isn't student led but anyone can still come along and represent our Black and Gold team!

Last year our Womens Team came 2nd!

Date and time TBC (2024)


Varsity is one of the highlights of our competition season. We take on our fellow trampolinists at Hallam University to score all important points for the overall Varsity leader board.

We start our day by playing lots of team building games including our annual tradition of rounder, after that we head into Goodwin and start our competition. Every competitor is cheered on loudly with our Black and Gold spirit no matter how well you do. The day is finished off with a whole club social  - it's certainly not one to miss! 

Last year we took the Trampolining win for the first time in 5 years!!!

Date is TBC (2024)